Friday, October 9, 2009

Old Wold English vs. Proper English.

What is old world English?
What is proper English?

Interesting debate, if I do say so myself.

What is proper English? Who decided what was proper dialect and what is improper?

Each region of the world has its own dialect, its own meaning to words that in the English translation is a different interpretation all together.

Debate: There are many different versions of what is considered "English".

Rationality: Depending on where you are in the world a word could be interpreted differently.

Translation vs. Intention:
When using old world diction, writing in plain English for North American books, conforming to proper English is challenging yet rewarding.

This is a subject that writers encounter daily. Unfortunately if you are writing for North American markets, a writer must conform and choose different proper diction.


C.M. Lloyd.

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